Decimal to Fraction Calculator (bidirectional)

Use this Decimal to Fraction Calculator if you want to convert a decimal number into its fraction form. Doing this manually can be tricky sometimes especially if you are not yet familiar of the conversion process. With this calculator, you can conveniently convert these values from decimal to fraction and vice versa.

Odd Numbers Between Calculator





The greatest common denominator is: 0.

How to Use The Decimal to Fraction Calculator

It is quite easy to figure out the decimal equivalent of a fraction or vice versa for numbers that are quite familiar to us. Say for decimal number 1.5, this is a very common decimal number that we can quickly tell it's fraction form as 1 1/2.

However, for decimal numbers that are not that common, like 5.87, 6.348 and so on we might have second thoughts how to convert them to fraction. That's why this calculator is built to eliminate this hassle and gives you choice whether you want to use it or do a calculation yourself.

Here's a step by step guide on how to use the Decimal to Fraction Calculator:

  • 1. On the Decimal input field, enter the decimal number you want to convert to fraction. So if you want to convert 0.375, enter that number on this field.
  • 2. Click the Calculate button and the resulting fraction will be displayed beside or below it depending on your screen. A Greatest Common Denominator is being displayed there as well in case you want to do that calculation manually to check if the result is right.
  • 3. On the other hand, if you want to convert from fraction to decimal, you can click the Swap button. It will swap the conversion mode each time to click that button.

How to Convert Decimal to Fraction

These are the easy steps on how you can convert a decimal number into a fraction number.

Let's say we have 0.75 decimal number and we want to convert that to fraction, here's how it goes:

  • 1. Ignore the whole number, on this example since the whole number is zero (0), we are good to proceed. We ignore the whole number because it is not part of the conversion, you can just add it up later after we figured out the fraction.
  • 2. Next is count off how many decimal places are there after the decimal point. For 0.75, that's 2 decimal places. So to make 0.75 a whole number as numerator, you need to multiply it to 10 to the power of 2 since there are 2 decimal places. The result of 102 equals 100. So 0.75 x 100 is equal to 75. Then, make the 100 as the denominator.
  • 3. So far, we have this: 75100. It's time to find the Greatest Common Factor. A highest number that can divide the numerator and denominator into exact number. In this case it's 25.
  • 4. So let's divide both numbers by 25. By doing so, we'll get the decimal equivalent of 0.75 to fraction which is: 34.

There is a special case as well on how to convert repeating decimal numbers like 0.333, 0.1666, 0.8333, etc. You may want to check out how to calculate repeating decimal as fractions.

Common Decimal to Fraction Equivalents

These are some of the most common decimal values with it's equivalent fraction form.
