Minutes in Hours Calculator
How many 5 minutes in 1 hour? 🕒 Or you might want to figure out quickly how many 15 minutes are there in 4 hours. This is a very common question especially when you are doing some technical charting analysis mostly in trading stocks or currencies. This Minutes in Hours Calculator can easily convert how many group of minutes are there in hours.
How to Use The Minutes in Hours Calculator
The form above is written in a paragraph format where you just need to fill the Minutes input and the Hours input. By clicking the Calculate input, it would give you the corresponding answer. It's quiet simple but for your reference, here's a step by step guide.
- 1. Fill in the input field before the minutes 🕒. So if you want to figure out how many 2 minutes are there in 1 hour, you need to enter '2' on this field.
- 2. Move on to entering a number in the input field before hours ⌛. This is where you enter the desired hours, following the example above, you may want to enter '1'.
- 3. After that, you just need to click the Calculate. An 'Answer' below the button will display how many groups of minutes are there in the hours you have specified.
- 4. You can do this all over again by just changing values on minutes and hours input fields.
Group of Minutes
These are the common 2 minutes and 5 minutes group in 48 hours. So this table shows the Hours column and corresponding values on 2 minutes and 5 minutes group. Say in 1 hour, there are 30 groups of 2 minutes and 12 groups of 5 minutes.
Hours | 2 Minutes |
Hours | 5 Minutes |
Minutes in Hours Calculator Usage
Watch this video tutorial on how to use the calculator to give you more clarity.
See also: ⌚ Hours From Now Calculator